Registration forms – just who are they for?

I love information; after all, I am a marketer who believes in the power of data to improve communications. So a registration form is something of a guilty pleasure with all the information it contains on prospects and customers. But do we get so wrapped up in what we want from the data that we […]

Check the basics of your email campaigns

I recently had the pleasure of sorting through a long forgotten personal email inbox. In the last year, 5,683 emails had been delivered. A couple of hours later I had cleared it out and unsubscribed from many of the organisations. This gave me quite a bit of time to think about these email campaigns. Possibly […]

Email – The second coming

For the last 10 years, we’ve been hearing about the demise of email. All sorts of new things were due to replace it. But, interestingly, we think it is one of the final alleged nails in email’s coffin that has actually made it more relevant than ever. The arrival of smartphones and tablets is seeing […]

How big do you want your data?

The Walmart database is estimated to contain 2.5 petabytes of data. That is a 25 followed by 14 zeroes. Which seems pretty big until you look at a real “big data” project, NASA’s climate simulation centre (NCCS) which is 13 times the size. You’d think they would be better at weather forecasts with all that […]

10 good reasons to use video in B2B marketing

Video is easy to understand – images are processed by the brain 60,000 times more readily than words, so it’s especially good if your product/service is technical or in any way complicated Video tends to be more memorable than text – Video conveys brand personality better than text alone – let your customers hear […]


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