Check the basics of your email campaigns

I recently had the pleasure of sorting through a long forgotten personal email inbox. In the last year, 5,683 emails had been delivered. A couple of hours later I had cleared it out and unsubscribed from many of the organisations. This gave me quite a bit of time to think about these email campaigns. Possibly […]

Become a media tycoon – send an email

We were chatting with a prospect recently who asked us how to show an ROI on her company’s email programme. They don’t have an e-store and can’t track sales through retailers. Like a lot of manufacturers and distributors, really. In this case, she was looking to justify expanding the programme and make her budget secure […]

Email templates or comfort blanket?

As your finger hovers over the mouse for that final click, you hesitate. And why not – you are about to send thousands upon thousands of emails with multiple messages in 23 different languages to Europe, using the customer file jealously guarded by your company, and all this in a blink of an eye. What’s […]


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